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SSC English 2nd Paper Barishal Board-2019 Solution

SSC English 2nd Paper Barishal Board-2019 Solution


Barishal Board 2019

English Second Paper


  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of the words. You may need to use one word more than once :
charm mangrove the beauty sight
longest bewitching wild rising within

The sea-beach of Cox’s Bazar is a (a) ——— gift of nature. The blue water of the sea and its (b) ———- waves are always a pleasant (c) ———— which cools our mind (d) ———– a moment. It is the (e) ————- sea-beach in the world. (f) ——— Saint Martin island is also a gift of nature in the Bay of Bengal. The beauty of the island is simply (g) ———– The Sundarbans, the largest (h) ——— forest of the world is another beautiful gift of nature. Its (i) ———- life and mysterious setting make it more (j) ————.

Answer: (a) beautiful (b) rising (c) sight (d) within (e) longest (f) The (g) bewitching (h) mangrove (i) wild (j) charming.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Now-a-days, the young farmers of our country are showing interest to (a) ——— foreign vegetables. They, with their innovative power, have added new dimensions (b) ———- the country’s agricultural sector. Karim Ullah is such a (c) ———-. Five years ago, he started his farm with a (d) ——— and challenge. Now he owns a (e) ———- farm where he cultivates curry leaves, lemon grass, broccoli and other (f) ——— vegetables. The cultivation of foreign crops (g) ———- our country is very inspiring for both (h) ———- farmers and the customers as it brings diversity in our regular (i) ———- and nutrition. It is also possible to (j) ———- vegetables by ensuring quality production and packaging.

Answer: (a) cultivate/grow (b) to (c) farmer d) determination (e) vegetable (f) foreign (g) in (h) the (i) food/diet (j) export

  1. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below
Child labour Should exploited and ill-treated.
It is to engage a child in physical or mental labour.
Child labourers are deprived of the basic human rights.
The Government means ensure the rehabilitation of those children.
the worst form of violation of human rights.



  1. a) Child labour means to engage a child in physical or mental labour.

(b) It is the worst form of violation of human rights.

(c) Child laborers are exploited and ill-treated.

(d) Child labour are deprived of the basic human rights.

(e) The government should ensure the rehabilitation of those children.

  1. Complete the following text with right form of the verbs given in the box:
work confine emerge find earn be bring giver

Over the last ten years or so, the garments industries have (a) ———- as the largest foreign currency earning sector. Hundreds of garments factories have (b) ———— set up throughout the country. The most remarkable characteristic of the garments industries (c) ———— the revolutionary change that has (d) ———– in the lives of thousands of poor women across the country. Women who (e) ———— to the household work suddenly (f) ———– a new way of earning. A job at a garments factory (g) ———– a woman not only a steady income but also independence and dignity. In a garments factory most of the workers have to (h) ———– above ten hours a day. But still the women working here (i) ———— happy as they think they are (j) ———– their own living.

Answer: (a) emerged (b) been (c) is (d) been brought (e) were confined (f) found (g) gives (h) work (i) are (j) earning.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text:

Rifat said to Munir, “You didn’t attend my birthday party.” “Extremely sorry, friend,” Munir replied, “I had to go to my uncle’s house in Dhaka. How was the programme?” “Let me show you the photographs,” said Rifat.


Rifat told Munir that he (M) had not attended his (R) birthday party. Munir replied to his friend that he was extremely sorry. He (M) added that he (M) had to go to his (M) uncle’s house in Dhaka. Then he (M) asked Rifat how the programme was. Rifat said that he (R) should be allowed to show him (M) the photographs.

  1. Change the sentences as directed in the brackets:

(a) Internet is a computer-based networking system. (Interrogative)

(b) It is a speedy transmitting system of information. (Complex)

(c) Its functions are smooth and rapid. (Negative)

(d) A man has an internet connection and gets a link soon according to his expectation. (Simple)

(e) Many educational institutions are greatly benefited through the of internet. (Complex)

(f) A student can visit all the renowned libraries of the world without going there. (Passive)

(g) It plays an effective role in the field of trade and commerce. (Exclamatory)

(h) E-commerce has become one of the most popular topics to the customers. (Positive)

(i) It helps the customers to buy or choose anything without going to market. (Compound)

(j) What an amazing milestone it is in the modern world of communication! (Assertive)


(a) Isn’t internet a computer-based networking system?

(b) It is a transmitting system of information which is speedy.

(c) Aren’t its functions smooth and rapid? Its functions are not unsmooth and slow .

(d) A man having an internet connection gets a link soon according to his expectation.

(e) As many educational institutions use internet, they are greatly benefited.

(f) All the renowned libraries of the world can be visited by a student without going there.

(g) What a (an effective) role it plays in the modern world of communication!

(h) Very few topics have become as popular as e-commerce to the customers.

(i) It helps the customers to buy or choose anything and they do not have to go to market.

( j) It is a very amazing milestone in the modern world of communication.


  1. Complete the sentences:

(a) There is a proverb that————–.

(b) —————– know this wise saying?

(c) Unless you have good health, ———-.

(d) You may have a lot of wealth but ————-.

(e) It is high time, —————.


(a) There is a proverb that Health is wealth.

(b) Who does not know this wise saying?

(c) Unless you have good health, you cannot be happy.

(d) You may have a lot of wealth but all your wealth is of no use when you are unhealthy.

(e) It is high time, we should be careful of our health.


  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both to the root words given in the parenthesis:

Life without leisure and (a) ——– (relax) is dull. Nobody can work without rest. Life becomes (b) ———-(charm) if one doesn’t have any time to enjoy (c) ———– (beauty) objects of nature. Work becomes (d) ———— (monotony, if there is no break in it. It hinders the (e) ———– (smooth) of life. Leisure (f) ———– (new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) ———- (work) is (h) ———- (harm), Leisure doesn’t mean (i) ———– (idle). It gives (j) ———– (fresh) to our mind.

Answer: (a) relaxation (b) charmless (c) beautiful (d) monotonous (e) smoothness (f) renews (g) overwork (h) harmful (i) idleness (j) freshness.

  1. Make tag questions of the following statements:

(a) To tell a lie is a great sin. Sinners suffer in the long run, ———?

(b) Flowers are the symbol of beauty and purity. Nobody dislikes flowers, ———?

(c) I want to meet her. She hardly comes here, ——-?

(d) Vitamins are essential for our health. So, we must eat vegetables to get vitamins,———?

(e) Truthfulness is a great virtue. So don’t tell a lie, ————?

 Answer :

(a) To tell a lie is a great sin. Sinners suffer in the long run, don’t they?

(b) Flowers are the symbol of beauty and purity. Nobody dislikes flowers, does anybody/ do they?

(c) I want to meet her. She hardly comes here, does she?

(d) Vitamins are essential for our health. So we must eat vegetables to get vitamins, mustn’t we?

(e) Truthfulness is a great virtue. So, don’t tell a lie, will you?

SSC English 2nd Paper Barishal Board-2019 Solution

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors :

Climate change means the changes in climate. (a) ———, climate on earth is constantly changing. (b) ——— climate change, the weather pattern in any specific region on earth (c) ———– across the whole earth is changing. Human activities are greatly responsible for it. We are cutting down trees for habitation and agricultural purpose. (d) ———-, use of chemicals in industries causes serious harm to the ozone layer. (e) ———-, there is a rapid increase in temperature causing greenhouse effect.

 Answer: a) However/ At present/ Today (b) Due to/ Because of (c) as well as/ and (d) Besides (e) Consequently


  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text:

“don’t you have any relative here to stay, with no i need a transfer certificate to be admitted there.”


Don’t you have any relative here to stay with?” “No, sir. So, I need a transfer certificate to be admitted there.”

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